Nowadays, most of the auditoriums are made up from one to three conference halls, so they cannot offer more than three activities or performances at the same time, and in most of the cases it is not profitable to use these spaces for activities or performances with low audience, because it supposes a great consumption of energy and space. Our proposal presents different conference halls/stalls facing to the same inner point, with independent entries, installations, acoustics and seating capacity. All these features give the possibility to perform inside the building more than fourteen different events at the same time, independently and without interferences. Each independent hall/stall has a system of sliding walls (guillotine-walls) that can be open mechanically, creating a large auditorium with a seating capacity for more than 3500 people. This system can be used to create many different spaces by opening or closing the sliding walls, so different performances and activities with different seating capacity can be carried out at the same time, with the corresponding saving of energy.


  • Year of project: 2008
  • Builded surface: 4564 m2
  • Budget: 15.974.000 €


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